sENATE OF the mICHIGAN tECHNOLOGical university

 4 April 1966

(Senate Minute page: 245)

The meeting opened at 7:15 p.m., Tuesday April 4, 1966, in the Faculty Lounge President R.L. Smith presiding.

The roll was taken and ultimately after phone calls, delays, etc, showed. 44 present and voting: Group I - Smith, R.L., Stebbins, Meese, Townsend, Sermon, Volin, Lawrence, Krenitsky, Yerg, Noble, Romig. Group II - Bahrman, Boyd, Keeling, Niemi, Pollack, Price, Tidwell, Ward, Wiedenhoefer, Wyble. Group III - Young, Hein, Clark, Work, Hesterberg, Snelgrove, Byers, Guard, Bovard. Group IV - Schnelle, Kraft, Robert, Kenny, Anderson, W.T., Hennessy, Johnson, V.W., Dobell, Halkola, Anderson, H.B., Hall, Heldt, Shandley, Frea.

Absent 17: Group I - Shouldice, Howard, Garland, Bourdo, Miller, Williams . Group II - Amernick,, Bredekamp, Champion, DelliQuadri, Hooker. Group III -Smith, T.N., Spain, Fryxell, Fitch, Been. Group IV - McInnes. Representing Miller and Spain but not voting were Baumler and Brown.

The minutes of meeting No.25 were approved as distributed except that Kenny and Volin had been present at the beginning but not during the voting part of the meeting.

Committee Reports and action on same. Old Business

It was moved by Romig, seconded by Hennessy and on first vote defeated 40 yes to 4 no; but on second vote passed 41 yes, 3 no, that the revised version of the Constitution be accepted. As attached to the minutes of Meeting No. 25, this revised Constitution must now be approved by the Board of Control.

President Smith appointed an election committee to plan and carry out the election of members for the revised (if approved) Senate as follows: Bahrman, Chairman, Boyd, H. Anderson, Lawrence, Price.

The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,
G.W. Boyd, Senate Secretary